January 14, 2014

After saying goodbye to my compaq presario laptop I had used since 2008 (too long!), I finally said hello to the iMac.

I still keep my old laptop in the kitchen to browse for recipes and cooking videos :)

2014 is off to a good start!

p.s. this lovely desktop wallpaper is from designlovefest

January 07, 2014

Back to work

I did a little bit of cleaning during the holiday season.

I'm more productive when my work desk is tidy and clean. I'm ready to go back to work :)

via my instagram @studiocosette

January 02, 2014

twenty fourteen

Illustration by fern choonet

Happy new year everyone. I hope you are enjoying your holiday week.

So many goals and promises I manage to keep in 2013, but there were also many broken ones. One of my New Year's resolutions this year is to achieve one goal at a time.

The New Year is the time where I need to refresh, restart and rethink myself.

I hope you are excited about 2014 as much as I am. Wishing you all the best of 2014.

